Our Values
At Medialink, we pride to be a dependable partner who journeys with our customers in their common strive for marketing innovation and excellence.
Your link to business solutions
Our customers are our partners. We believe in cultivating collaborative and long term relationships with our customers.
The company cultivates long term relationship with customers that last, with the goal to provide a high level of empathy – listening to our customers, understanding their requirements and focusing on achieving their objectives. This often meant the need to go the extra mile in providing customised product solutions and innovation as well as problem solving for our customers.
A strong system of governance is key to success. To this end, Medialink maintains a risk management framework designed to identify and manage the risk of failure, which allowing the company to achieve its business objectives. Responsibility for such risk management rests with the company’s management; our Board of directors is responsible for the long-term success of the company.
Click here for more details on our risk management measures.
Medialink is committed to protecting human health and the environment within our operations, buildings, management of our staff and relationships with external organisations and associates.
Your link to business sustainability
Medialink aspires to continuously improve its sustainability through an ongoing program to reduce or remove environmentally damaging activities and encourage activities that, where possible, improve or conserve the environment by:
Taking the environment and sustainability into account in property, procurement, and transport decisions and strategies
Minimising the use of all materials, supplies, and energy, and, wherever possible, use renewable or recyclable materials and components
Minimising waste
Monitoring, assessing, and reporting, on a continuous basis, where practical, the environmental impact of Medialink’s activities and compliance with our policy